7 beauty foods you should swear by for radiant skin


It’s about time you quit spending on drug store beauty products and pay weekly visits at your nearest farmer’s market. Foods can give you all the incredible and delicious beauty treatments that you could ever need. Whether if it’s to grow shiny long hair, add a glow to your skin, make your eyes bright, removing scars or even improving your memory - there’s a food for that.

Beauty is no longer perceived as a mere indulgence overloaded with skincare and makeup products. Rather, it is a form of self-care. This is the knowledge learnt from Ayurveda and has been into practiced for 5000 years now. Nourishing, supporting, and loving yourself is what makes you truly beautiful. So, start spending more time in your kitchen, cooking up concoctions, Pastes and mists and light yourself from within. Happy glowing!


Why your skin’s health matters

Your skin is the largest detoxification organ in your body, so any disturbances caused by your lifestyle: stress, digestive issues, dehydration and lack of sleep are bound to pop up on your skin in some fashion. Hello lackluster skin! Your skin requires enough energy and healthy calories to keep it healthy, tight and glowing. Healthy skin especially thrives from B, C and E vitamins, collagen, antioxidants, healthy fats and protein. Without further ado, start feeding your glow with these beauty foods for radiant, glowing skin.


Why you’ll love these beauty foods

First thing first, let’s understand the use of antioxidants, your body’s arsenal.  We need antioxidants to protect our cells from free radicals and avoid or prevent oxidative stress, major aging factor.  There are many types of antioxidants and their health benefits. How to include more antioxidants in your diet? It’s simple, eat more plants! That is, eat the rainbow!

Curcumin. The antioxidant in turmeric. Skin brightening. Found in bright yellow fruits and vegetables.

Beta-carotene. The antioxidant in carrots. Anti-aging, eye-brightening. Found in orange fruits and vegetables.

Resveratrol. The antioxidant in dark chocolate, and red wine. Calming, and anti-aging. Found in purple fruits and vegetables.



Turmeric is in everything these days, from lattes to face masks. But did you know that turmeric has been used in Ayurveda medicine for over 5000 years? Turmeric holds a special place in Indian weddings. In fact, a day ritual is dedicated to the smearing and smudging of turmeric paste on the bride-to-be. The reason why the tradition swears by this sunshine-yellow, miracle spice is because of its antioxidant-rich, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and antiseptic properties. Hence, bridal glow! Add turmeric to your curries, dhal, tea, soups, smoothies, and homemade facials and get glowing today!


Dark chocolate

Resveratrol is one of our favourite antioxidants and not because it’s found in red wine (okay, because of this too). It plays a vital role in the overall health of your gut microbiome. Your skin’s health is dependent on a strong digestive system, and lucky for chocolate lovers, dark chocolate is choc-full of resveratrol. Cacao powder will be your best and healthiest option. If not, opt for chocolate bars with at least 75% cacao. Foods with a sweet taste are calming and soothing to your mind-body. Add cacao powder to your coffee, tea, smoothies, overnight oats, and pancakes and enjoy joyful bellies and radiant skin! Win-win!



Be more like Popeye and eat your spinach with intention. Spinach is a nutritional bonanza. Spinach falls under the bitter foods category, according to Ayurveda. Bitter is a taste that few people love but more of us need. Bitter foods are detoxifying, anti-inflammatory and cleansing. They also scrape fat and toxins from the body, and are extremely beneficial for digestion, which is why many people consume digestive bitters to aid in the breakdown of their meals. Bitter foods cleanse the liver and are antibiotic, antiparasitic, and antiseptic. Bitter foods also reduce intestinal gas and water retention, making them ideal for detox. In short, Foods with a bitter taste create lightness and clarity.



Carrots are one of the best dietary sources of beta-carotene. A diet rich in beta-carotene may help counter the effect of aging on the eyes, boost the immune system and help prevent heart disease. Carrots stimulate production of T-helper cells, immune cells that protect the body from all types of infection and slow the aging process. They build healthy skin, tissue and teeth; improve eyesight; stimulate the appetite and prevent dehydration. Add carrots to pickles, soups, stews, smoothies, baked goods, salads, and get your daily dose of goodness!




Hop on the celery juice bandwagon! Celery has mild diuretic properties and aids in digestion and weight loss. It is helpful in diseases of chemical imbalance and has detoxifying effects. It balances acidity in the body and helps to clear up skin problems. Add this magic herb to pickles, salads, smoothies, and soups and enjoy both the flavour and health benefits.



Cucumbers are approximately 95 percent water. They help maintain the body fluid balance, keeping you refreshed and hydrated throughout the day. Use thinly sliced cucumbers on your eyes, and face as a moisturizing mask. Leave on for 25 minutes. Apply this mini spa treatment at least twice a week.


Coconut oil

Skin beautifying and brain boosting, the magical coconut oil’s healthy fats does wonders to your hair and skin. This could be your best multi-tasker, mouth wash (oil pulling, instead of chemical-loaded products); makeup-remover; cooking oil; deep conditioner for hair; skin moisturizer. Add coconut oil to your coffee, smoothies, and salads for an energy boost.



Eat a rainbow of plants and reap the health benefits including radiant skin. The seven antioxidant-rich foods are turmeric, dark chocolate, spinach, carrot, celery, cucumber, and coconut oil.
